— Kann nicht mehr besucht werden —
- Dance Performance + Audience Talk
- landscapes
- between music and the body
- transition
- paths
- persistence
Fr., 21.02.2020, 20:30
Audience Talk following 'A Passo Di Mulo'
The materiality of the body and the varied conditions it can bear and generate is the central force behind the choreographic research of Lina Gómez and her collaborators. With a precious and unique dialogue between movement, music and light, A Passo di Mulo generates a vibrating landscape of earth, togetherness and persistence.
- 1“Today I wander with a fixed but flexible gaze, with my knees light, and my feet continuously submerged in the dust, in the mud, in the water, in the stone. I lose myself in the attempt to continue. I bear the vertical burden of my head, I move and plunge, plunge and move, always forward, as Doña Esperanza used to say.” Lina Gómez
- 2 Mmakgosi Kgabi, Dancer, choreographer
In the Audience Talk after the performance there will be time to gain insight into the practices and the specific artistic process of 'A Passo Di Muli'. Lina Gómez and her collaborators offer to discuss and exchange on the topic of restaging as artistic research, concerning the practices and process of re-doing and re-staging. How can you 'bring back' physical materiality of the body and to what extend is it still different every time you perform.
You can now reserve tickets (15,00€ / reduced 10,00€) including free admission to the artist talk directly through theaterscoutings berlin! (up to 1 day before the performance). Just send an email with the desired number of tickets to reservierung(at)theaterscoutings-berlin.de. You are also welcome to simply come by on the day of the performance, but we are unable to guarantee that tickets will be available.
8:30 pm – Performance
after the show - Audience Talk
Questions? The persons with pink Theaterscoutings-badges are here to help you.
Karten-Online: Karten online bestellen
Fr., 21.02.2020, 20:30
About the venue
Tanzfabrik, Uferstudio 14
Seit 36 Jahren arbeiten Tänzer/innen, Choreograf/inn/en, Performer/innen, Komponist/inn/en, Künstler/innen, Theoretiker/innen und Produzent/inn/en in der Tanzfabrik Berlin zu Themen und Fragestellungen des zeitgenössischen Tanzes. Als Produktions- und Aufführungsort genießt die Tanzfabrik Berlin nationale und internationale Anerkennung in der Tanz- und Performanceszene. In den Studios wird kontinuierlich produziert, geprobt, aufgeführt, diskursiv gearbeitet, künstlerisch geforscht und entwickelt, die Vermittlung zur Öffentlichkeit gepflegt und eine Tanzschule geführt. Als unabhängige und eigenständige Institution kuratiert und organisiert die Tanzfabrik ihre vielfältigen Aktivitäten, u.a. finden jährliche Programmreihen sowie die seit 2000 von der Tanzfabrik Berlin veranstaltete Biennale „Tanznacht Berlin“ mit wechselnden KuratorInnen statt.
About the dance performance
A Passo Di Mulo
The materiality of the body and the varied conditions it can bear and generate are the central force behind the choreographic research of Lina Gómez and her collaborators. With a precious and unique dialogue between movement, music and light, »A Passo di Mulo« creates a vibrating landscape of earth, togetherness and persistence.
About the choreographer
Lina Gómez
Lina Gómez is a Colombian choreographer, dancer and teacher based in Berlin. Her recent choreographic work A Passo di Mulo was supported by the Berlin Senate. Her work Restraint was first presented at ada Studio and had its Premiere at Sophiensaele in the Tanztage Berlin 2018. Presented in various venues across Europe, Restraint is also part of the European dance platform Aerowaves Twenty19. Furthermore She is the co-founder of the Cia. Aberta de Dança of São Paulo (2008) and has been developing works collectively there ever since as a choreographer and performer. Beneath that, Lina has also worked as a dancer with Yoshiko Chuma, Tino Sehgal, Edson Fernandes and Jorge Garcia, among others. Lina received a MA in Choreography at the Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT) and a BA in “Communication of the Arts of the Body” with an emphasis on Dance and Theatre from the Catholic University of São Paulo. https://www.linapgomez.com/lina-gomez-about