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- Solo Performance + Cartography
- audiovisual physical performance
Fr., 11.11.2022, 20:00
Cartography following 'BADMAN' by T.I.T.S.
A distorted celebration of virility reclaimed and twisted by a single female performer. The audience is invited to connect the performance space afterwards with their individual thoughts on sticky notes to open an audience talk.
- 1photo ©Hans Petter Eliassen. Nela Kornétova in BADMAN.
- 2 Vera Shchelkina, somatische Tanzkünstlerin
The audiovisual physical performance 'Badman' welcomes the audience into the strange world that plays with masculinity and its power, reclaimed and twisted by a single female performer. After the production, the audience is invited to enter the performance space. There, they are given Post-Its and pens and are asked by the moderator to individually and silently mark the stage with questions, associations,descriptions and memories on Post-Its and sticking them around the performance space. A shared cartography of the individual production experiences is created which serves as the point of departure for a shared conversation.
Tickets: 15€ | 10€ reduced (plus VVK-Gebühr)
Karten per E-Mail: info(at)tatwerk-berlin.de
Fr., 11.11.2022, 20:00
About the venue
TATWERK sees itself as a laboratory for exploring aesthetic potentials and forms a diverse community as an incubator of new ideas, perspectives and practices. The focus is on political and poetic projects, visionary concepts that reflect and question social dynamics and introduce new ways of working and formats to the scene with their questions. At TATWERK, artists perform in a variety of formats: There are premieres and guest performances, but also analog and digital work shows and work-in-progress. We welcome a diverse audience to our events, who want to embark on a journey of discovery into the depths of contemporary performing arts. Since the spring of 2022, TATWERK has been opening up to the public sphere and, together with the artists, exploring the possibilities of the performing arts beyond its own premises.
About the piece
The audiovisual physical performance »Badman« welcomes the audience into the strange world that plays with masculinity and its power, reclaimed and twisted by a single female performer.
Dear Badman
It's that pop and oomph I desire
To wear your gestures as my garment
To rip off your faces
To taste your manners
To drink your spirit
To pet your ego
When you burn at the stake
I'll rise from your ashes
About the artists
T.I.T.S. is an independent performance group that explores the possibilities of hybrid theater forms, blending choreography, play, sound, visual imagery, and body physicality. Based in Norway, artistic leader Nela H. Kornetová initiates each project with her international team of collaborators, with themes that audiences can relate to instinctively. Recent projects highly valued by both critical and general audience include “Cult of Busy” (2018), a satirical work about a fictional religious community worshipping busy-ness; “Tumor: Carcinogenic Romance” (2019) about the search for love and peace with a deadly disease, mixing text, choreography, sound, and visual art; “Badman” (2020) an audiovisual physical performance about masculinity and its power, reclaimed and twisted by a single female performer;
T.I.T.S. work was presented at multiple venues and festivals in Norway, Denmark, Italy, Germany, France, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czechia, and South Korea.